O Little Town of Bethlehem

So you probably know the story, the Angel Gabriel appears to Mary and tells her the exciting news, she’s going to be a mom, even though she is still a virgin, they work out the details but then there is the entire process of telling her parents and her fiancé, in Australia we’d say that…

It’s your Choice

I was part of democracy in action this week. Not only did I vote, but I also worked on Election Day as a Poll Supervisor, which isn't nearly as important as it sounds. But as I wandered around the polling station for a little over eternity (ok, that was a slight exaggeration) I was able…

A Man of Some Words

I’m a professional communicator. I literally get paid to talk. I’m also a published author. You might say that I am a man of many words. But there are some words that I just can't say. It’s weird. I look at them, and my mind can’t figure out how to say them.The other day I…

Careful little Tongue. . .

It seems all we have been hearing about on the news over the past two weeks has concerned the results of the recent US Federal election. I was surprised by the number of Canadians caught up in the election fever. I’m not sure there will be very many Americans interested in the next Canadian Federal…

Remembrance Day 2024

In the Gospel of John Chapter 15 and verse 13, we read Jesus’s words as he tells those who chose to follow him, There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Today, we stop for a few minutes and step away from the everyday to remember and honour those…

Beyond Adultery

Adultery, what a nasty word. It’s no wonder people don’t call it that, they refer to it as an affair of the heart, a fling, illicit love even an extramarital relationship, anything but adultery. How could it be wrong, after all everyone is doing it, aren’t they? Well, I know of one person for sure…

Breaking Up is Hard to Do. Not!

Can it get any more bizarre? (That by the way, was a rhetorical question and not a challenge).Last year, Suellen Carey, a transgender influencer, after experiencing years of dating disappointments, married herself. That’s bizarre, but apparently not unheard of in today’s culture. But wait, there’s more. After less than a year in a sologamous (I…

Beyond Murder

“Be civil and don’t kill each other.” If you’ve never said that to your kids when you leave them alone together, you’ve probably thought it. Which leads us to the scripture read for us earlier, Matthew 5:21 Jesus said, “You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder,…

Panda Dogs

They were called Temu Pandas by some, which seemed a little harsh, accurate but harsh.Recently, a Chinese zoo admitted that two of their so-called pandas were actually dogs that had been painted to look like pandas. Really? One report said it was only when visitors noticed the panda-dogs panting and barking that the hoax was…

Paying the Price

The staff was in Moncton this week for a district pastor’s conference, and on the drive up, I marvelled at the autumn colours. The woods were a kaleidoscope of colours, no two the same. It wasn’t hard to imagine Jack Frost painting each leaf individually. One of the many things we missed in Australia was…