Recapture the Wonder

As I was flying to Johannesburg last week, I pulled the map up on the seat back display, and it told me, we were flying at 12,000 metres, at 860 km per hour and it was -59 outside. And I didn't even blink. That seemed relatively normal. Not! At that point, I realized I had…

To South Africa . . . for the Weekend.

Well, I’m in South Africa for the weekend. Literally for the weekend.Earlier this week, I flew to Johannesburg to spend three days in business meetings and then to fly home. It might not sound like fun to you, but for me, it is an awesome privilege and responsibility.I am here representing the Wesleyan Church of…

Hanging with Who?

He was a little confused. There were some people who loved him and others who hated him. He thought he was doing a good thing, a necessary thing, even a God thing, but obviously, there were those who disagreed. Nehemiah was one of the Jews living in exile and was in the service of the…


Well, a new year is upon us. 2024 is now nothing but a memory and 2025 is stretched out ready for us to make our mark. Do you have any plans for the new year? Are you planning on starting some new habits or ditching some old ones? 2025 could be the year to do…


Last week I got my first set of hearing aids. I always thought hearing aids were for old people. Obviously, I was wrong.Recently I discovered that while nodding and smiling when you didn’t hear someone might work 95% of the time, the other 5% didn’t work out so well. (Ask Pastor Marilyn) So it was…

Away in a Manger

Away in a Manger If there is one scene that seems tell the Christmas story more than any other, it would be Mary and Joseph and their new-born son in the stable. When we think Nativity, that’s what comes to mind, and I’m sure that many of you have Nativity sets that you have taken…

A Celebration of Nothing

If it was a different culture, it would be called it cultural appropriation. Through the years we’ve seen Christmas go from being a celebration of Christ to a celebration of Santa and Snowmen. But now it seems it’s become a celebration of nothing.Last week, at one of our local schools, the children’s concert didn’t even…

Go Tell it on the Mountain

It wasn’t the world’s oldest profession, but it was close! I mean you know what the world’s oldest profession is right? That’s right, farming. Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain the oldest was a farmer, thus making that the world’s oldest profession. What were you thinking? And Abel the younger brother was a shepherd…

Three out of Ten

I stumbled across an article about online returns the other day. Don’t ask, I sometimes wonder myself about what I read. The article mentioned that during the Christmas season, 17% of online purchases will be returned. Wow, that seems like a lot, and apparently, people don’t understand what the high rate of returns will eventually…

Oh, the Humanity.

What a tempest in a teapot. About mid-November, it started. Across social media, “Christians” were expressing their outrage over Atlantic Superstore and its owners, Loblaws. They called on other Christians to share their outrage and boycott Superstore.Was the bread price-fixing scandal back in the news? No. Was it the company’s record profits while Canadian families…