But What about. . .?

I was recently reminded of a story I read in a newspaper in April of 1985 (If you don’t know what a newspaper is, ask your parents). The story was about Galaxy Airlines Flight 203, which crashed in Reno Nevada on January 21, 1985.Seventy of the seventy-one passengers and crew died in the crash, the…

As Advertised on TV!

Last week I was listening to the radio, and they played a TV ad from the 1970s.  As I listened, I could almost see it in my mind’s eye.  If you are old enough you probably remember the ad for the K-Tel Record Selector.  It was promoted as having a space-age design, finger-tip control and…

That’s Wild!

That’s wild. A man in England is suing Apple for £5 million. Now, to be truthful we’ve all thought of suing Apple for various reasons. The wild part of this lawsuit is the reason. The man is suing Apple because his wife discovered ‘deleted messages’ he sent to sex workers on his phone and the…


What is with people these days, defacing historically significant items to protest climate change? Over the past few years, we’ve read reports of people defacing some of the great masterpieces from artists such as Monet, DaVinci, Picasso and Van Gogh. Last month, the same group targeted the Magna Carta as part of their protests. Last week…


It was one of those stories that make you go, Hmmmm?  Just recently it was reported that authorities in China secured a grenade that was in the possession of a 90-year-old resident of the village of Hubei.  What makes the story more interesting is the lady had been using the grenade as a hammer since…

Gifts from the Past

I had another reminder today not to judge yesterday’s events by today’s standards. It was an article in Saltscape Magazine about past Christmas celebrations at the MRA department store, in Saint John NB. In the story was a picture of an event called, “The Legion Christmas Tree” and it was an appeal for Christmas gifts…

Agreeing to Disagree

One of the most valuable lessons I learned in ministry, I learned almost forty years ago in my first church as lead pastor.A gentleman by the name of Russell Patton taught me the importance of being able to “agree to disagree”. I didn’t know at the time that Russell was actually quoting John Wesley. I’m…

What’s That in Your Pocket?

I still remember when I got my first calculator that would fit in my pocket. It was in High School, and it cost what then seemed like a fortune. But it could do so much, add, multiply, divide, etc. It could even do percentages and find the square root of any number. At least that’s…

The Cookie?

The headline read, “He wouldn’t give me the cookie.” The story was about a Catholic Priest in Florida who has been charged with biting a woman who wanted to receive communion.  A charge that the priest does not deny. If you were reading just the headline and the article summary, you would tend to side…

Is it time to turn the cruise off?

The other day we were heading to Moncton, and it happened again. I had set our cruise control, at 110ish, and as we were driving along in traffic, I looked down and realized we were only going 88 kph. If you have adaptive cruise control on your car then you know exactly what happened. Adaptive…