The Power of a Word

The power of a word. Recently, while travelling in Columbia, Angela and I had the opportunity to visit several cultural sites.  And I noticed their history displays spoke about the church coming to Columbia to evangelize the indigenous people.  Interesting.  In Canada, it is usually said that the church’s mission was to convert the indigenous…

The Snowflake Crown

I thought it was a joke, but apparently not.Have you seen the newly updated crown on the Canadian Coat of Arms? It was just unveiled last week. It looks like an illustration from a fairy tale or a possible Disney offering, “The Snowflake King.”In an effort to modernize the design, and perhaps in an attempt…

Flattered or Offended

I didn’t know whether to be flattered or offended. A while back, I received an e-mail from a preacher asking for my forgiveness.  And I wasn’t sure that he had done anything to me that I could forgive him for. Apparently, he had preached some of my messages and had passed them off as his…

Say What?

I was sitting in my office annex the other day and was listening to folks use Canada's third official language as they ordered double-doubles, triple singles and four-by-fours.  Which begs the question: is a coffee with four creams and four sugars still a coffee, or is it liquid candy? But again, I digress. As I…

Who’s Responsible?

A recent news story headline caught my attention the other day. It read, “Syphilis cases in babies skyrocket in Canada amid health-care failures.”And it made me go, hmmm?The article seemed to imply that the reason syphilis cases in babies were skyrocketing in Canada was our failing healthcare system.There was a time that escalating syphilis cases…

Faux Holidays

I have often thought the concept of Easter Monday was kind of strange.  You know it had to be a blatant quest for a four-day weekend. That someone, somewhere, had a eureka moment and decided that the Monday following Easter Sunday was obviously Easter Monday and, as such deserved to be a holiday. And that’s…

Tim’s is my Parish

Earlier this week, I was working in the annex when a gentleman came in and sat down across from me.  He wasn’t a stranger, I’ve spoken to him any number of times at Tim Horton’s through the years, but he is just a passing acquaintance. He asked if he could avail himself of my services in…

Influenced by who?

I don’t think there is anyone in Canada who doubts that the Chinese Government attempted to influence our last two Federal elections.  The only questions that people may have, are questions about whether or not the influence was successful. And if it was, does that mean our present government is the result of foreign influence, and…

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s here. It’s here! That time of the year that we all look forward to. The time of the year that we realize how lucky we are to live in this wonderful country, and we can take the time to reflect on how blessed we are.That’s right... it’s “Tax Time”! What did you think I…

Here Comes the Light

Have you noticed lately how much more daylight we are seeing? Each day it’s getting light earlier and staying light longer, and that’s a good thing. Spring is not only an awesome time of the year, but it’s also a great metaphor for life. No matter how dark, cold, and long the winter seems, spring…