They were called Temu Pandas by some, which seemed a little harsh, accurate but harsh.
Recently, a Chinese zoo admitted that two of their so-called pandas were actually dogs that had been painted to look like pandas. Really? One report said it was only when visitors noticed the panda-dogs panting and barking that the hoax was revealed. Again, really? They were really cute, but they looked like painted dogs.
The zoo, on the other hand, insists that it was just a fun gimmick, and they never really intended for people to believe that these were a new breed of panda.
As Christ followers, we are supposed to be different than people who don’t follow Christ. The Bible is very clear about that. There is supposed to be a difference in our beliefs, in our values and in our behaviour. As a matter of fact, we are told that it’s like we’ve been born again.
And if there isn’t a difference, it’s either because we aren’t really following Christ or because we are trying to look like something we aren’t. And when we try to blend into the world, we either look foolish, or worse yet, we become what we were just trying to look like.
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.