
It is one of the first things that car buyers notice when shopping for a car, and because of that car manufacturers spend millions of dollars on research and development making sure they get it just right. And you might think that it is a safety or convenience feature, or perhaps a particular design that…

Darkness produces more Darkness

It has been bizarre and disturbing to see the rise in anti-Semitic activities across Canada, especially on university campuses. Some news reports from across the country are more reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s than a country that once prided itself on its diversity and acceptance. I understand the situation in Gaza is heartbreaking, but…

Reconstructing our Faith in the Bible

Reconstruction Faith in the Bible This might make you think less of me, but sometimes I google my name. I know, I’m so vain. There is a little bit of truth in that, but it’s also to keep an eye on who’s preaching the messages that I post online and also to track where my…

Building on Faith

It was twenty years ago that the second most significant event in the life of our church happened. The first of course being its birth. And no, it wasn’t the building.  It was the sacrifices and belief in a vision that led to the reality of the building. It was in May of 2004 that…

Birds of a Feather

I was reading an article the other day, and if you are thinking, “My, Denn reads a lot of articles,” you wouldn’t be wrong. It’s part of who I am and what I do.The article was from Scientific American Magazine, and it was entitled “Why Feathers Are One of Evolution’s Cleverest Inventions.”  And it was…

Reconstruction: What is Right

“Who Says it’s right?” Judges 17:6 Begin with a reading from “Through the Looking Glass.” “What a beautiful belt you’ve got on!” Alice suddenly remarked. (They had had quite enough of the subject of age, she thought: and if they really were to take turns in choosing subjects, it was her turn now.) “At least,”…

Shady Stuff

Did anyone catch the news that the next set federal election date has been moved by a week?  According to the Federal Election Act, the next election was supposed to be held on or before Oct. 20, 2025. However, it appears that the government has moved the date forward to October 27.  The reason given…

Look to the Sky

So, did you watchsee the eclipse this past week? It was a priority for some, and they drove hours to see the total eclipse. Then, some, like me were content to watch the partial eclipse at home. With the appropriate eye protection, of course. For others. . . it was just another afternoon, and life…

Reconstruction: Introduction

We’ve all had friends who either never stepped over the line of faith to begin a relationship with Jesus or have started a relationship and then stepped back over that line and walked away from Jesus and the church.We used to say they had backslidden, but there is a new term that folks use these…

A Special Holiday

I heard a comment on the radio that intrigued me. The DJ was talking about the long weekend that was coming up and how it wasn’t just another long weekend. This was a very special long weekend because of what it represented. This is getting interesting, I thought.Then he added, “This holiday weekend is all…