Last week I got my first set of hearing aids. I always thought hearing aids were for old people. Obviously, I was wrong.
Recently I discovered that while nodding and smiling when you didn’t hear someone might work 95% of the time, the other 5% didn’t work out so well. (Ask Pastor Marilyn) So it was time.
This week has been a bit of an adjustment. All of a sudden, I was hearing the rustle of my coat, the squeak of my shoes, the hum of nearby appliances and the conversations of people I didn’t even see. It was a little overwhelming at times.
The audiologist warned me that there would be a period of adjustment as my brain adjusted to the unfamiliar sounds. She wasn’t wrong. The most disconcerting thing has been how loud I sound to myself, which has made preaching interesting.
And I wondered how the deaf people that Jesus healed reacted to suddenly being able to hear. Hearing sounds that were new to them and trying to understand a language they had never heard before. I had never thought of that before. However, unlike hearing aids, we have to assume divine healings are complete and there’s no adjustment needed.

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

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