Don’t you hate it when you have a bad customer experience? And often, our first reaction is to complain to someone or post a negative review. That’s what Thomas Colucci had in mind when he called the police.
The Florida man called 911 to complain that the meth he had just purchased wasn’t the quality he thought it should be, and he wanted an officer to come and test the quality.
Seriously? As the sheriff’s office said, “you can’t make this stuff up.”
Colucci told the operator he was concerned that other drug users would end up with an inferior product.
When the police arrived at the scene, Mr. Colucci gave them what he suspected was nothing more than bath salts. Once the responding officers tested the product and determined it was indeed meth, they arrested Mr. Colucci for drug possession.
Sometimes we do what we know we shouldn’t do, and when it doesn’t work out, we are tempted to call God in prayer to complain about the outcome—perhaps losing a job, an unplanned pregnancy, or a failed marriage.
God’s grace is there for each of us, but it depends on confessing our sins and not complaining about the outcome of our choices.
Have a great week, and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.