Are you a Survivor fan?  Have you been following the new season?  Maybe like me, you’ve only seen the commercials.

I don’t think I’ve seen an episode of a Survivor in ten years and it’s probably been fifteen years since I’ve watched an entire season.  But other people are apparently watching it because it’s now in its 37th season.  And the title of this season is “David Vs. Goliath.”

I wonder how many people understand the significance of the title?  I mean, they know that it means the weaker vs the stronger and they may even know there was a giant involved but do they know the story originated in the Bible?  Did you?

There was a time, that most people could have told you most of the story of David and Goliath because they learned the story in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School or church.  But that is no longer the case.

The Bible tells us that God’s word will not return void, meaning it will always be effective in people’s lives.  So I wonder if somewhere out there, someone has picked up the Bible to delve more into the origins of “David vs. Goliath”?

It might be a really cool story that we only get to hear in Heaven.

Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.  


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