And here I sit preparing a funeral message for a friend. It was just a year ago that Matt told me the doctors had discovered lesions on his spine.
He was confident that it wasn’t anything to be concerned with but told me regardless of the outcome he was trusting God.
And trust God Matt did. He trusted God with his health, his life, his family and eventually he trusted God with his death.
And this week I’m writing a farewell tribute to my friend and ministry partner.
The joy that Matt had was evident and contagious, and the love he had for Jesus was evident and contagious. And when Matt led worship at Cornerstone that joy and love were always a special part of the day.
It was John Wesley who said, “The world can say what they like about us Methodists,
but they have to admit: we die well.”
Matt lived well and he died well, and we know that he is now with the One he loved and worshipped.
I don’t pretend to have answers as to why this happened to Matt and Amy and the kids, but I’m pretty sure that there will be people in heaven because of the way Matt lived and because of the way Matt died.
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.