People seem divided about what happened last week in Toronto at the TFC game. (For those of you who are as ignorant as I am, I’ll save you the google. TFC is a soccer team.) You have probably read about or have seen the reports that went viral after fans yelled vulgar comments at television reporter Shauna Hunt. When Hunt confronted the fans, Shawn Simoes defended their actions with more vulgarities targeting the reporter. The problem is that he did it in front of a camera, which goes to prove Billy Sunday was right when he said “Sin can be forgiven but stupid is forever.”
The clip quickly went viral and was seen by Simoes’ employer Hydro One and they fired him. When Hunt asked Simoes on camera what his mother would think, Simoe replied that she’d find it funny. Wonder if she thought her son losing his $106,000.00 a year job was funny?
Most people find Simoes’ actions offensive, but they are divided on whether or not he should be fired.
I don’t think Hydro One fired him because of his words, they just figured he was too stupid to work for them.
I wonder what would happen if Jesus could fire Christians who behaved badly and represented Christianity poorly?
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.