If you think of Grace at all at Christmas it probably
relates to the short prayer that you will say over the dead bird at Christmas Dinner
and you probably wouldn’t necessarily think of Amazing Grace as a Christmas
song but you can’t really celebrate the Christmas Story without seeing Grace
written all through it.
relates to the short prayer that you will say over the dead bird at Christmas Dinner
and you probably wouldn’t necessarily think of Amazing Grace as a Christmas
song but you can’t really celebrate the Christmas Story without seeing Grace
written all through it.
Now before we go much further we probably need to define
what we mean by the word “Grace”. Grace
is one of those words that can have a multitude of meanings? For example here are the definitions given by
Collins English Dictionary:
what we mean by the word “Grace”. Grace
is one of those words that can have a multitude of meanings? For example here are the definitions given by
Collins English Dictionary:
- elegance
and beauty of movement, form, expression, or proportion
- a
pleasing or charming quality
- goodwill
or favour
- the
granting of a favour or the manifestation of goodwill, esp by a superior
- a
sense of propriety and consideration for others
- (plural)
- affectation of manner (esp in the phrase airs and graces)
- mercy;
- (Christianity)
- the free and unmerited favour of God shown
towards man
- the divine assistance and power given to man
in spiritual rebirth and sanctification
- the condition of being favoured or sanctified
by God
- an unmerited gift, favour, etc, granted by
- a
short prayer recited before or after a meal to invoke a blessing upon the
food or give thanks for it
- (music)
a melodic ornament or decoration
And while those are good
definitions of grace I like mine better.
“Justice is getting what you deserve, Mercy is getting less than you
deserve and Grace is getting what you don’t deserve.”
definitions of grace I like mine better.
“Justice is getting what you deserve, Mercy is getting less than you
deserve and Grace is getting what you don’t deserve.”
And while I have used this
definition for thirty years it’s not original with me. It was over thirty years ago I heard a
preacher by the name of Stuart Briscoe for the first time and Stuart defined
Grace that way and I liked it. As a
matter of fact I loved the way that Stuart taught and that probably shaped me
as a young preacher.
definition for thirty years it’s not original with me. It was over thirty years ago I heard a
preacher by the name of Stuart Briscoe for the first time and Stuart defined
Grace that way and I liked it. As a
matter of fact I loved the way that Stuart taught and that probably shaped me
as a young preacher.
One of those funny stories, the
first time I heard Stuart I was a staff pastor in NY, the next time I was
pastoring in Truro then we moved to Australia and had only been there a year or
so when Stuart came to town and I’ve heard him a couple of times since we’ve
been back in Halifax. I feel like Stuart and I are linked by Ruth 1:16 . . . “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn
back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people
will be my people, and your God will be my God.”
first time I heard Stuart I was a staff pastor in NY, the next time I was
pastoring in Truro then we moved to Australia and had only been there a year or
so when Stuart came to town and I’ve heard him a couple of times since we’ve
been back in Halifax. I feel like Stuart and I are linked by Ruth 1:16 . . . “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn
back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people
will be my people, and your God will be my God.”
So to reiterate:
“Justice is getting what you deserve, mercy is getting less then you
deserve and grace is getting what you don’t deserve.”
“Justice is getting what you deserve, mercy is getting less then you
deserve and grace is getting what you don’t deserve.”
To illustrate, suppose one of your children misbehaved. No that won’t work, because I know that your
children never misbehave. So you will
have to imagine that one of your children had misbehaved, still a bit of a
stretch but work with me. Your child
has misbehaved and because it’s 2014 you can’t spank them so you banish them to
their room until they are 18. That is
justice, getting what they deserve. But
after an hour or so you start feeling sorry for them so you tell them it’s all
right they can come out now. That is
mercy getting less than what they deserve.
But then you say, “You know what, let’s go for an ice-cream.” That is grace, when they get what they don’t
children never misbehave. So you will
have to imagine that one of your children had misbehaved, still a bit of a
stretch but work with me. Your child
has misbehaved and because it’s 2014 you can’t spank them so you banish them to
their room until they are 18. That is
justice, getting what they deserve. But
after an hour or so you start feeling sorry for them so you tell them it’s all
right they can come out now. That is
mercy getting less than what they deserve.
But then you say, “You know what, let’s go for an ice-cream.” That is grace, when they get what they don’t
And so we will hear that folks are looking for the Justice
of God. Trust me when I tell you that we
don’t want to get what we deserve.
of God. Trust me when I tell you that we
don’t want to get what we deserve.
Solomon tells us in Proverbs
21:15 Justice is a joy to the godly, but it
terrifies evildoers.
21:15 Justice is a joy to the godly, but it
terrifies evildoers.
And maybe you’re thinking “Sure but I’m not an
evildoer.” How do we measure evil and
good and bad? Do you have to be a Hitler
or Stalin, or a Bin Laden to be evil?
What about the fact that justice is a joy to the godly? How do we measure being godly? Do you have to be a Mother Theresa or Billy
Graham to be Godly?
evildoer.” How do we measure evil and
good and bad? Do you have to be a Hitler
or Stalin, or a Bin Laden to be evil?
What about the fact that justice is a joy to the godly? How do we measure being godly? Do you have to be a Mother Theresa or Billy
Graham to be Godly?
Paul tells us in Romans 1:18-20 But God shows his anger from heaven
against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever
since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through
everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal
power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever
since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through
everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal
power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
And then for
the next 22 verses he lists what these folks have been up to, it wasn’t just
“Big” sins, granted murder is there, we can understand that. But the list also includes things like: they
didn’t worship God, they traded the truth of God for a lie, and they were
backstabbers and didn’t keep their promises.
They were greedy, hated some people and Gossiped about others. And then after listing things which most of
us have to some degree or another participated in he ends by saying,
the next 22 verses he lists what these folks have been up to, it wasn’t just
“Big” sins, granted murder is there, we can understand that. But the list also includes things like: they
didn’t worship God, they traded the truth of God for a lie, and they were
backstabbers and didn’t keep their promises.
They were greedy, hated some people and Gossiped about others. And then after listing things which most of
us have to some degree or another participated in he ends by saying,
1:32 They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to
die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. And then in the next verse he says Romans 2:1 You may think you can condemn such
people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse!
1:32 They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to
die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. And then in the next verse he says Romans 2:1 You may think you can condemn such
people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse!
Yikes, no, justice definitely isn’t what you want from
One of my favorite scriptures is Ephesians
2:8-9 God saved you by his grace when you
believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation
is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about
it. Which is very similar to what Mark Twain said “Heaven
goes by favour (grace); if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog
would go in.”
2:8-9 God saved you by his grace when you
believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation
is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about
it. Which is very similar to what Mark Twain said “Heaven
goes by favour (grace); if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog
would go in.”
2:8-9 That night there were shepherds staying
in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the
Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.
2:8-9 That night there were shepherds staying
in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the
Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.
If there Was No
Grace, The Shepherds Wouldn’t Have Been Invited
Grace, The Shepherds Wouldn’t Have Been Invited
If there is
one scene that seems to shout Christmas to us it would be the shepherds on the
hillside staring in wonder at an angel choir in the sky. And we all know the story and Christmas
wouldn’t be complete without the keepers of sheep pressed in tight to see the
one who would be called the Lamb of God.
one scene that seems to shout Christmas to us it would be the shepherds on the
hillside staring in wonder at an angel choir in the sky. And we all know the story and Christmas
wouldn’t be complete without the keepers of sheep pressed in tight to see the
one who would be called the Lamb of God.
And although they weren’t lead characters, the shepherds
were part of the chorus in the production of the first Christmas. When I was in high school our school was
known for the great musicals we put on.
And during my three years we performed The King and I, South Pacific and
the Music Man. And when they were
casting the musical they would cast the male lead and the female lead and then
the supporting roles. And all those
roles had names, and were highlighted in the program. And then they got to the bulk of the players
and they were called the Chorus. And
that’s where I ended up, in the chorus.
But you couldn’t have the musical without the chorus. If you just had the leads you wouldn’t have a
musical you would just have a small ensemble.
were part of the chorus in the production of the first Christmas. When I was in high school our school was
known for the great musicals we put on.
And during my three years we performed The King and I, South Pacific and
the Music Man. And when they were
casting the musical they would cast the male lead and the female lead and then
the supporting roles. And all those
roles had names, and were highlighted in the program. And then they got to the bulk of the players
and they were called the Chorus. And
that’s where I ended up, in the chorus.
But you couldn’t have the musical without the chorus. If you just had the leads you wouldn’t have a
musical you would just have a small ensemble.
In the same way there were the leads in the Christmas story,
Mary and Joseph, the angel Gabriel and the baby Jesus. They get top billing. And then there were the supporting roles. The innkeeper, King Herod and the Wise
Men. They got second billing. And then you have the chorus. That would be the angels and the
shepherds. If you were doing up a
program from that first Christmas they would be listed in a group after all the
others in the play it would say “and the shepherds.”
Mary and Joseph, the angel Gabriel and the baby Jesus. They get top billing. And then there were the supporting roles. The innkeeper, King Herod and the Wise
Men. They got second billing. And then you have the chorus. That would be the angels and the
shepherds. If you were doing up a
program from that first Christmas they would be listed in a group after all the
others in the play it would say “and the shepherds.”
But they weren’t just peripheral or window dressing they
were a vital part of the story.
were a vital part of the story.
But do we ever stop and think about who the shepherds
were? And you are probably thinking
“Well that’s a no brainer Denn, they were shepherds.”
were? And you are probably thinking
“Well that’s a no brainer Denn, they were shepherds.”
For most of us the closest we’ve ever come to a shepherd is
wearing a wool sweater and eating lamb chops.
And so because when we think of shepherds we immediately shift to the
Christmas story we have kind of romanticize who they were what they did. But really they were just guys who watched
sheep. Probably wasn’t an intensive
training program for the job and they probably weren’t anywhere near the top of
the economic heap. Nor would they have
been near the top of the social heap or even the religious heap.
wearing a wool sweater and eating lamb chops.
And so because when we think of shepherds we immediately shift to the
Christmas story we have kind of romanticize who they were what they did. But really they were just guys who watched
sheep. Probably wasn’t an intensive
training program for the job and they probably weren’t anywhere near the top of
the economic heap. Nor would they have
been near the top of the social heap or even the religious heap.
The problem was their jobs, the demands of the flock were so
great that even if the shepherds were inclined to be religious all of the rules
and regulations of Judaism, with the various hand washings and other parts of
the ceremonial law, were out of their reach, so they could never really be
“Good Jews.” It wasn’t that they were
hostile toward their religion it just didn’t matter because life had pushed it
aside. Their father’s had probably been
shepherds before them and this was the life they knew. If there was a word to describe them it “Apathetic”
And yet God reached out to them and invited them to be a part of his
great that even if the shepherds were inclined to be religious all of the rules
and regulations of Judaism, with the various hand washings and other parts of
the ceremonial law, were out of their reach, so they could never really be
“Good Jews.” It wasn’t that they were
hostile toward their religion it just didn’t matter because life had pushed it
aside. Their father’s had probably been
shepherds before them and this was the life they knew. If there was a word to describe them it “Apathetic”
And yet God reached out to them and invited them to be a part of his
That was me, before my best friend invited me to church it
was simply irrelevant in my life, I didn’t have anything against the church, it
just wasn’t a part of my life. And yet
God stepped and interrupted my life and invited me to join His story.
was simply irrelevant in my life, I didn’t have anything against the church, it
just wasn’t a part of my life. And yet
God stepped and interrupted my life and invited me to join His story.
And maybe that is where you are today, you are here but only
because it’s easier than not being here.
A spouse or a parent or a child has pressured you to be here, you’re not
hostile to the church but it’s just not where you are at right now. But God’s grace is being extended to you
because it’s easier than not being here.
A spouse or a parent or a child has pressured you to be here, you’re not
hostile to the church but it’s just not where you are at right now. But God’s grace is being extended to you
2:1-2 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,
during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern
lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We
saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”
2:1-2 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,
during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern
lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We
saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”
If there Was No Grace,
The Magi Wouldn’t Have Been Invited
The Magi Wouldn’t Have Been Invited
We know very
little about the Magi, but we do know that they were from the country of Persia
which is now Iran. And we know that the
Magi were originally from a tribe of Medes who tried to overthrow the King. When their little coup failed they put their
political aspirations behind them and chose safer work as holy men, priest and
teachers of Kings. It was from this
occupation that we discover that Magi is the root word of Magic. Now we don’t know why the sign came to these
men, maybe it was there for everyone but only these few choose to follow.
little about the Magi, but we do know that they were from the country of Persia
which is now Iran. And we know that the
Magi were originally from a tribe of Medes who tried to overthrow the King. When their little coup failed they put their
political aspirations behind them and chose safer work as holy men, priest and
teachers of Kings. It was from this
occupation that we discover that Magi is the root word of Magic. Now we don’t know why the sign came to these
men, maybe it was there for everyone but only these few choose to follow.
Regardless of
the reason, it was the Magi who followed the star to visit the Christ child,
and maybe it was simply to signify that Christianity would ultimately be for
the gentile as well as the Jew. Because even though Jesus came as the Jewish
Messiah we are told that there was this sense of expectancy over the entire
area of the world concerning the coming Messiah of the Jews. The belief was summed up by the Roman
Historian Suetonis when he wrote “There had spread over all the orient an old and established
belief, that it was fated at that time for men coming from Judea to rule the
the reason, it was the Magi who followed the star to visit the Christ child,
and maybe it was simply to signify that Christianity would ultimately be for
the gentile as well as the Jew. Because even though Jesus came as the Jewish
Messiah we are told that there was this sense of expectancy over the entire
area of the world concerning the coming Messiah of the Jews. The belief was summed up by the Roman
Historian Suetonis when he wrote “There had spread over all the orient an old and established
belief, that it was fated at that time for men coming from Judea to rule the
While the Shepherds reacted in surprise
to the announcement of the birth of Jesus for the Magi they were anticipating
their invitation. This was what they
were looking for, they were excited because they had been anticipating the
event. Maybe this is where you are at,
perhaps because of a life event you feel a need to connect with God
to the announcement of the birth of Jesus for the Magi they were anticipating
their invitation. This was what they
were looking for, they were excited because they had been anticipating the
event. Maybe this is where you are at,
perhaps because of a life event you feel a need to connect with God
Every once in a while I meet
someone who is God aware and are actively trying to connect with their
creators. They are seekers. Perhaps it’s because a child was born or a
parent has died or maybe you just sense a deep yearning in your soul that can
only be filled with the eternal. And God
is still offering his Grace to seekers today we are told in Psalm 105:4 Search for the LORD and for his strength;
continually seek him. And God
promises us in Jeremiah 29:13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you
will find me.
someone who is God aware and are actively trying to connect with their
creators. They are seekers. Perhaps it’s because a child was born or a
parent has died or maybe you just sense a deep yearning in your soul that can
only be filled with the eternal. And God
is still offering his Grace to seekers today we are told in Psalm 105:4 Search for the LORD and for his strength;
continually seek him. And God
promises us in Jeremiah 29:13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you
will find me.
But it’s wasn’t only the
apathetic and the seekers who were invited to the party on that first Christmas
morning. Let’s go back to the scripture
we started with this morning. Matthew 2:1-2 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,
during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern lands
arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw
his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”
apathetic and the seekers who were invited to the party on that first Christmas
morning. Let’s go back to the scripture
we started with this morning. Matthew 2:1-2 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,
during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern lands
arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw
his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”
If there Was No Grace
Herod Wouldn’t Have Been Invited
Herod Wouldn’t Have Been Invited
Maybe this is a bit of a shock to you, after all Herod has
received a lot of bad press through the years.
You ever get the feeling that sometimes we need to tear heroes and
historical figures down just on principal.
In Australia they talked about the “tall poppy syndrome” and that was
the desire to pull anyone down who had risen among the herd.
received a lot of bad press through the years.
You ever get the feeling that sometimes we need to tear heroes and
historical figures down just on principal.
In Australia they talked about the “tall poppy syndrome” and that was
the desire to pull anyone down who had risen among the herd.
In Herod’s case it may very well have been valid. Now granted he wasn’t perfect but he wasn’t
entirely bad either. After all he wasn’t
called Herod the Great for nothing.
Herod was half Jew and half Gentile.
He had curried favor with the Romans during the civil wars in Palestine
and kept the locals in line for the Romans.
entirely bad either. After all he wasn’t
called Herod the Great for nothing.
Herod was half Jew and half Gentile.
He had curried favor with the Romans during the civil wars in Palestine
and kept the locals in line for the Romans.
While this did nothing to endear him to the Jewish
population it endeared him to the Romans and if nothing else Herod knew which
side his bread was buttered on. In 47 BC
he was appointed Governor of Palestine and seven years later he was appointed
King by Octavian who you would know better as Caesar Augustus. Not even Provincial Governments can do patronage
like that, appointing somebody King.
population it endeared him to the Romans and if nothing else Herod knew which
side his bread was buttered on. In 47 BC
he was appointed Governor of Palestine and seven years later he was appointed
King by Octavian who you would know better as Caesar Augustus. Not even Provincial Governments can do patronage
like that, appointing somebody King.
The title Herod the Great wasn’t simply an empty title, he
kept peace in Palestine throughout his reign which was not idle task, he
rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem, built many great fortresses including the
mountain top fort of Masada. In the year
AD 12 he underwrote the cost of the Olympic Games in Greece and was named the
games “Perpetual President.” And he
wasn’t all bad, during the lean years he stopped collecting taxes, boy there’s
a suggestion, and in 24 BC he had his gold plates melted down to buy corn for
the poor.
kept peace in Palestine throughout his reign which was not idle task, he
rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem, built many great fortresses including the
mountain top fort of Masada. In the year
AD 12 he underwrote the cost of the Olympic Games in Greece and was named the
games “Perpetual President.” And he
wasn’t all bad, during the lean years he stopped collecting taxes, boy there’s
a suggestion, and in 24 BC he had his gold plates melted down to buy corn for
the poor.
But he did have one small, little problem. I mean face it we all have one problem or
another don’t we. Herod’s problem was
that he kept killing people. Not just
anyone, just anyone he suspected might be a threat to his leadership. You see he was insanely suspicious and
paranoid and he was always afraid that people were trying to usurp him. Not that they weren’t. And the older he got the more suspicious he
got until someone even referred to him as a “Murderous Old Man”
another don’t we. Herod’s problem was
that he kept killing people. Not just
anyone, just anyone he suspected might be a threat to his leadership. You see he was insanely suspicious and
paranoid and he was always afraid that people were trying to usurp him. Not that they weren’t. And the older he got the more suspicious he
got until someone even referred to him as a “Murderous Old Man”
During his reign he had his wife Mariamne executed along
with her mother Alexandra, his eldest son Antipater, his middle son Alexander
and his third son Aristobulus. Barlcay
tells us that Augustus, the Roman Emperor, had
said “It is safer to be Herod’s pig than Herod’s son.”
Which was a lot more poetic in the Greek where the word for Pig was Hus
and for Son was Huios
with her mother Alexandra, his eldest son Antipater, his middle son Alexander
and his third son Aristobulus. Barlcay
tells us that Augustus, the Roman Emperor, had
said “It is safer to be Herod’s pig than Herod’s son.”
Which was a lot more poetic in the Greek where the word for Pig was Hus
and for Son was Huios
When Herod was 70 he felt that he was near the end and he
retired to Jerico and had some of the most notable and distinguished citizens
of Jerusalem arrested on trumped up charges.
On his orders they were slaughtered at the moment of his death. You see Herod knew how people felt about him
and he said that he was determined to have tears shed at his death. It worked.
retired to Jerico and had some of the most notable and distinguished citizens
of Jerusalem arrested on trumped up charges.
On his orders they were slaughtered at the moment of his death. You see Herod knew how people felt about him
and he said that he was determined to have tears shed at his death. It worked.
And so it was as this old man
who was crippled with hate and suspicion was told about the one who would
become King of the Jews. And by this he
was a little disturbed. The Bible says in Matthew 2:3 When Herod the
king heard this, he was troubled, “troubled” now there’s an understatement. Herod got
ugly. And when his plans to find the
child and do him in failed, he flipped. Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived
by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all
the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two
years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the
wise men. The only thing that saved Jesus was that an Angel visited Joseph in a
dream and told him in Matthew 2:13 Now when they
had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream,
saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay
there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy
who was crippled with hate and suspicion was told about the one who would
become King of the Jews. And by this he
was a little disturbed. The Bible says in Matthew 2:3 When Herod the
king heard this, he was troubled, “troubled” now there’s an understatement. Herod got
ugly. And when his plans to find the
child and do him in failed, he flipped. Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived
by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all
the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two
years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the
wise men. The only thing that saved Jesus was that an Angel visited Joseph in a
dream and told him in Matthew 2:13 Now when they
had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream,
saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay
there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy
people wonder why genocide like this wouldn’t be mentioned in history. Well, remember that at the time Bethlehem
probably had a population of no more than 2000, less than half the population
of Kingswood. So we are probably talking
the death of 25 or 30 children tops. In
a time when murder and unrighteousness was so wide spread the only people who
would have been outraged at this tragedy would have been the parents.
people wonder why genocide like this wouldn’t be mentioned in history. Well, remember that at the time Bethlehem
probably had a population of no more than 2000, less than half the population
of Kingswood. So we are probably talking
the death of 25 or 30 children tops. In
a time when murder and unrighteousness was so wide spread the only people who
would have been outraged at this tragedy would have been the parents.
represents all those who are hostile to the claims of Christ. God interrupted Herod’s hate filled life to
let him know that there was a new King in town.
And the implication was that Herod didn’t have to react to that news
bitterly, he lived in the Jewish culture and would have known the predictions
of a coming Messiah who would offer grace and salvation. And he could have welcomed and embraced the
Messiah, but he didn’t.
represents all those who are hostile to the claims of Christ. God interrupted Herod’s hate filled life to
let him know that there was a new King in town.
And the implication was that Herod didn’t have to react to that news
bitterly, he lived in the Jewish culture and would have known the predictions
of a coming Messiah who would offer grace and salvation. And he could have welcomed and embraced the
Messiah, but he didn’t.
God still offer grace to those who are hostile to his claims and his Son? There is a story told in the book of Acts
about a man named Saul whose man goal in life seemed to be to eradicate the
early church. He was there when Stephen
the first Christian Martyr was killed, and we are told in Acts 8:1 Saul was one of
the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen. and
the next time we see Saul it is recorded in the next chapter Acts 9:1 Meanwhile, Saul
was uttering threats with every breath and was eager to kill the Lord’s
followers. Definitely hostile, and yet God reached down and through his
grace invited him to be a part of the Jesus story and we know him as the
Apostle Paul, probably Christianity’s greatest theologian and statesman who
introduced Christianity to Asia and Europe and wrote a good part of the New
God still offer grace to those who are hostile to his claims and his Son? There is a story told in the book of Acts
about a man named Saul whose man goal in life seemed to be to eradicate the
early church. He was there when Stephen
the first Christian Martyr was killed, and we are told in Acts 8:1 Saul was one of
the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen. and
the next time we see Saul it is recorded in the next chapter Acts 9:1 Meanwhile, Saul
was uttering threats with every breath and was eager to kill the Lord’s
followers. Definitely hostile, and yet God reached down and through his
grace invited him to be a part of the Jesus story and we know him as the
Apostle Paul, probably Christianity’s greatest theologian and statesman who
introduced Christianity to Asia and Europe and wrote a good part of the New
One of my favorite hymns is
Come Thou Fount and it was written by Robbie Robinson. When Robinson was invited to join the Jesus
story he was with a group of young men who had gone to heckle and throw stones
at Methodist preacher George Whitefield.
It took three more years before he accepted the invitation but he
started out hostile to the claims of Grace and Christ.
Come Thou Fount and it was written by Robbie Robinson. When Robinson was invited to join the Jesus
story he was with a group of young men who had gone to heckle and throw stones
at Methodist preacher George Whitefield.
It took three more years before he accepted the invitation but he
started out hostile to the claims of Grace and Christ.
And maybe you know a friend a
spouse a child who would have nothing to do with the Jesus story who is now a
part of it, all because of Amazing Grace.
spouse a child who would have nothing to do with the Jesus story who is now a
part of it, all because of Amazing Grace.
But here is the great part, have you ever noticed how God
reached out to each of these groups.
With the shepherds, the apathetic He made sure they would be comfortable
in approaching His Son, think about it?
Where was he born? In a stable,
had he been born in a nice home they would never have felt welcome, and yet God
reached out to those who didn’t even know they needed reaching out to.
reached out to each of these groups.
With the shepherds, the apathetic He made sure they would be comfortable
in approaching His Son, think about it?
Where was he born? In a stable,
had he been born in a nice home they would never have felt welcome, and yet God
reached out to those who didn’t even know they needed reaching out to.
For the seekers the Magi, who
were astronomers he set a star in the sky, relevant to them, but millions of
others saw the start but never saw the significance. And to Herod he sent the Magi, men who would
have been familiar with the Royal Courts of Persia and would have carried the influence
necessary to sway the King, imagine the shepherds trying to get in to see the
were astronomers he set a star in the sky, relevant to them, but millions of
others saw the start but never saw the significance. And to Herod he sent the Magi, men who would
have been familiar with the Royal Courts of Persia and would have carried the influence
necessary to sway the King, imagine the shepherds trying to get in to see the
How is God invited you to join
the Jesus story? And what will you do
with his offer of Grace this morning?
the Jesus story? And what will you do
with his offer of Grace this morning?