In the Spring of 1997 I had managed to grow our baby church from 82 to 43. This was the Penn that I wrote to the survivors of the “Spring of Tuesdays” on May 11, 1997
It’s the dawning of a new day, a new chapter in the book, the beginning of a new era! My dream and vision for Bedford Community Church has never been stronger than it is today and never fresher than it is right now. I truly sense that God has some great things in store for us in the days and weeks ahead. Along with that surety comes the surety that it will require very special people to make that vision a reality, a people committed to God and a people committed to the dream.
It will not be an easy task, church plantingis not church playing. If it was easy then everyone would be doing it. I believe deep in my heart that God has picked families and individuals to make BCC what He wants it to be. And to those who have chosen to be a part of that group I say thank you. The great thing is that in years to come you will be able to point to Bedford Community Church and say “I had a part in the beginning, I helped plant that church!” Have a great week and remember: Life Be In It!