I thought I was going to have to pick Angela up off the floor as she was laughing so hard. She was really enjoying herself at my expense. We were shopping and the clerk at the check-out asked if I was a senior. Hello! So I replied “yes, I’m ninety-two.” Which I thought was an indirect way of saying “NO I’M NOT A SENIOR YOU NINNY.” She gave me the discount. In retrospect, I suppose I am a lot closer to sixty-five than I am to eighteen. Well maybe not a lot closer but definitely a little closer. It’s funny though, it doesn’t seem like that long ago that I was a teenager, but becoming a senior seems like a long way off. Which is all a matter of perspective.
Now I understand what James meant when he wrote; For your life is like the morning fog – it’s here for a little while and then it’s gone. I trust that none of you are putting off decisions until later….. it’s later already. Which is why the Bible says “Today”, not tomorrow, “is the day of salvation.” Not that the cashier’s comments bothered me……. much. You’ll have to excuse me for now, I need to look for my Grecian Formula. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.