Do you watch, “Dancing with the Stars”? A couple of weeks ago we accidently happened to catch a snippet of Michael Bolton in his last performance. My thought was, “As a dancer, he’s a pretty good singer.” Which says something for me because I quote the statistic that, “4 out of 5 people who fall asleep while driving are listening to Michael Bolton at the time”, but that’s a different story.
Well, the judges were underwhelmed with Bolton’s performance and expressed that opinion with judge Bruno Tonioli, stating that it was the “worst jive” he had seen in the 11 seasons of the show. Apparently Michael was hurt by the comments because he is demanding a public apology and insisting that Tonioli be reprimanded. For what? Bruno didn’t besmirch Bolton’s character, he didn’t question Bolton’s integrity, he simply commented on his dancing. Which is what he’s paid to do. Good work if you can find it.
When you comment on someone’s behaviour not being in line with biblical standards, often you are told not to judge people. But like Bruno, we should be able to judge behaviour without making it personal. If someone isn’t dancing right how will they know unless someone tells them? Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.