It’s a quandary; MacLean’s magazine recently highlighted a story entitled, “The New Canadian Morality”. It seems that Anus Reid Strategies sponsored a national survey last month, asking Canadians their opinions on 21 ethical questions. Angus Reid tells us that 60% of Canadians still identify themselves as Christians, which is interesting when you consider that the majority of these folks supported same sex unions, abortion, euthanasia, divorce, saw marriage as irrelevant and that animals were more deserving of protection than the pre-born or the terminally ill.
Now I understand that many people feel that one’s morality shouldn’t be forced on others (that is done every day, it’s called the law) but, on the other hand, those who describe themselves as Christians, are supposed to be something, Christ followers and are supposed to behave a certain way; follow Christ. Not sure that was the findings of the survey. It would appear in many cases, that being a self-identified Christian has little, if any, bearing on how you behave and what you believe. Which begs the question that Jesus asked 2000 years ago in Luke 6:46, “So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’, when you don’t do what I say?” Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.