Well, that makes sense.

I was getting ready for church last week when I noticed how grey my hair had become. As I wondered how that could possibly have happened without me noticing, I remembered something I was told almost thirty years ago. Roy Corey, a member of the Truro Church, told me how he had discovered his eyesight…


I’m confused, again.  When Bruce Jenner decided that he wasn’t the gender that he had been born and decided to change how he had been created he was lauded as a hero.  When Rachel Dolezal decided that she wasn’t the race that she had been born and decided to change it she was denounced as…

Love Wins!

Most folks have heard about the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.  If you missed it, last Wednesday during a prayer meeting 21 year old Dylan Roof opened fire killing nine, including the pastor of the church.  Roof has said that his motivation was to start a race war in…

A Little Respect

So, two Canadians have been detained, along with several others, in Malaysia for causing an earthquake that killed 16 people.  And while the ability to cause earthquakes seems like something a villain from a James Bond movie might possess, it wasn’t that complicated.  It seems that the Canadians and their friends peeled off to have…

Dress for Sucess Part 2

How many guys had GI Joes when you were kids?  They weren’t dolls they were action figures.  Ken was a doll, and GI Joe was cooler and had cooler stuff.  I was an army brat so the only GI Joe I had was the army one, but a friend of mine had all four, and…

Whiter than White

I had forgotten how white, white was supposed to be, until I saw how white, white was again.  Say that sentence real fast a few times!  We had our house washed the other day and while I knew that it was a little grimy, it wasn’t until the first section was finished and we could…