No Mulligans

I read an interesting article in the Halifax Metro the other day.  The title was “Euthanasia requests not met in Nova Scotia”.  The gist of the article was that of the 64 requests for assisted suicide in the first six months of this year, only 24 had been acted on.  Of the remaining 2/3’s, some…

Hidden Treasure

 It is a serendipitous story, which is a story about serendipity.  Serendipity, isn’t that a great word?  It is probably one of my favourite words.  You know what serendipity means right?  Serendipity means an unexpected discovery.  You know when you are looking for something and you find something else.  You know you drop the remote…

That makes sense!

I was getting ready for my day when I noticed how grey my hair and beard had become. Instead of looking like a pirate, now I looked like Santa Claus.As I wondered how that could possibly have happened without me noticing, I remembered something I was told almost thirty years ago. Roy Corey, a member…

It’s the end of the World: Details to Follow

It’s the end of the world as we know it. Really?   There are certain events that spark certain responses from Christians as a direct consequence of the scripture that we read earlier.  Let’s go back to the last part of that scripture:  Mark 13:7-8  And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but…

Making Memories

I subscribe to Yogi Berra's theory that if you don't attend other people's funerals, they won't come to yours. With that in mind, whenever I can, I attend the funeral of Wesleyan Pastors on our district.Last weekend the staff from Cornerstone made their way to the chapel at Kingswood University in Sussex to say good-bye…

These Three Remain

People died, children were conceived, hearts were broken lives were changed and history was made.  But now the summer of love was over.  By October of 1967 the movement known as the Summer of Love, when over 100,000 hippies and flower children had descended on the Haight Asbury district of San Francisco was but a…

Say What?

I was sitting in my office annex the other day and was listening to folks use Canada's third official language as they ordered their double doubles, triple singles and four by fours.  Which begs the question: is a coffee with four creams and four sugars still a coffee? But again, I digress. As I listened…

Through a Glass Darkly

Summer of Love 10  Seeing clearly By September of 1967 the residents of Haight Asbury had fallen out of love with the 100,000 hippies and flower children who had descended on their neighborhood for what had come to be known as the Summer of Love.  The bloom was coming off the rose for the participants…