Where’s the Outrage?

Where was the outrage? Unless you were in a cave over the past week, then you are aware of the attack on the Mosque in Quebec city on Sunday.Those things aren’t supposed to happen in Canada.  And yet they do.  And if the attack had of been against a church there would have been all kinds…

Sola Gratia, by Grace Alone.

I was sixteen when Gary Gilmore died it was January 17 1977.  And maybe some of you are thinking:  That name sounds familiar.  Gilmore was a petty criminal from Texas who would have lived and died in complete obscurity except for one thing.  He became the first person in the United States to be executed…

Watch my Plug

It was bound to come out.  In a recent study it was reported that “Doctor-assisted suicide could save Canada tens of millions of dollars annually by avoiding costly “end-of-life” care.” The study looked at the cost of medical care that was needed to treat terminally ill patients, estimated at $14,000.00 during the last 30 days…

Solus Christus Through Christ alone

What is in a name? The question was asked by Shakespeare when he wrote In Romeo and Juliet, “What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”  To which Anne Shirley responded  “I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would…

A Few Bad Apples

I have read a number of disturbing stories recently about teachers and administrators in schools, in Canada and the States, who have been charged with possession of child porn or with being sexually involved with students.  What I haven’t read is reaction by people who say that they will no longer send their children to…

Sola Scriptura: By Scripture Alone

Sola scriptura  On Scripture Alone Do you own a bible?  Do you read the bible you own? Who or what is the final authority in your life?  You know,  The one thing that you won’t or can’t argue with?  If you were a fan of “Rumpole of the Bailey”, a British Television series about a…

Baby it’s Cold Out There.

It suddenly dawned on me how cold it was.  I was filling my car up and realized that I was cold and not just a little cold either…… I was really cold.  And then I had an epiphany. It was minus 14 and I was pumping gas with my leather jacket wide open and no…

2016, Good or Bad?

I recently heard someone commenting on what a bad year 2016 had been.  I was a little intrigued so I asked what had made the year so bad.  So they began to list off the celebrities who had passed away in 2016.  I wasn’t sure how many there were or even who they were so…

I am Resolved

Well it’s 2017, who would have thunk it.  And I would suspect that there have been a pile of New Year’s resolutions made in the past 11 hours and if the truth was known there have probably been a pile of New Year’s resolutions broken in the past 11 hours. We have probably all verbally…